Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Poker Affiliate Work is Hard!

Poker Affiliate Work is hard!

-I feel like Forest Gump, maybe we should just pray for shrimp Captain Dan!

-I tell you, I've spent probably over 750 hours working on my site so far. And I get maybe 5 unique visitors per day, after blogging in two different areas, posting links here and there, trading links with other sites. So far, zero conversions. Any other affiliates out there know this feeling?

-I do everything, design, content, SEO. Work hard to build a good site that I can be proud of. What do you want? You have thousands of sites all competing to get a top 10 placement on google in the natural results, so you come along with a new site that really depends on getting natural results placement and its going to be tough.

-If you want a tip about being a poker affiliate, if you're looking around and reading the pro's advice, let me throw in some of my own. If the content versus design debate isn't already dead, then it should be. This is not 2002. Its so competitive today that its not a question of either/or, its a question of and/and. You need good content and good design and good SEO. And you need some luck or something.

-My workflow is to try and create good content first. After that, if there's anything wrong with the layout or design I go back and fix it, after that I do the SEO. In general I try to address the thing that needs to doing the most first, and work from the grossest level to the finest level.

-What do I know? This is my first site after all. A spirited effort in my opinion.

-My latest idea is to build in-roads, or floating pages, of which I've built two. Floating pages are pages which link to the rest of the site, but are not linked by any other pages on the site to itself. If you have a site which covers a lot of ground, like mine does, you can focus on the material from one narrow perspective, and go after a certain keyword.

-For example, on my website, Poker-Ropes, I have seven poker sites reviewed, which covers all aspects of the respective sites. One aspect is the minimum deposit that you can make. So I created a floating page based only on minimum deposits, SEO'd twords the keywords "minimum deposit poker". And linked it back to my main site, but none of the pages on my main site link to it. It can only be accessed through the search engines. Possibly, by building enough of these types of floaters, you might gain placement for 3 or 4 good keywords.

-Why build floaters? Because for example, I can't create an entire page on my site called "minimum deposit poker sites"-it wouldn't make sense, as the sites are already reviewed comprehensively in the review section. It would be like offering two reviews for the same site. Beyond that, I wouldn't be able to create the SEO as effectively to gear it twords one specific keyword. But having a general poker site, I can potentially build dozens of floaters. I just have to keep finding different niches which might apply to the material that I already present, and which also have some value in the search engines....

-Well thats my SEO stroke of genius/lesson for today, from the poker affiliates top newbie.

-Signing Out-Steph.

-BTW here's one of my floater pages if you're interested:

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Just added one of the hottest female poker players, Vanessa Rousso, but believe me there is more to her than just good looks...She has won over 2 million in prize money, just picked up a killer endorsement with Godaddy, and she has an amazing list of accomplishments besides anything to do with poker. Check out her profile...Vanessa Rousso Player Profile

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Poker-Ropes Offers Tons of Free Poker Resources

Press Release: Poker-Ropes offers a free poker course. This course is one of the best online, very extensive. It covers all aspects of basic strategy-hand selection, playing tight, playing position. It also covers pot odds, beginners mistakes to avoid, how to get the most out of online poker sites, bonuses, special offers. There are also pro videos and player profiles... Its an amazing site if your interested in poker. I highly recommend it:

Friday, May 22, 2009

Redesigned Again!

Redesigned Again! A new redesign for my site was recently completed.

Here is the new look! A lot more streamlined, varied, and interesting.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Poker-Ropes Redesign Completed!

Yesterday I finished the redesign of my Poker learning site, Poker-Ropes.Com.

It is now about 85 pages, on its way to 170.

Poker-Ropes is a complete Poker Information site: a complete basic course, advanced articles, player profiles, pro-videos, Forums, Comprehensive Poker Site Reviews including Bonus information, some exclusive offers, an online Texas Hold Em game where players can improve their skills for free. Actually I even started a monthly 50$ freeroll.

I'm happy with the new overall look. Very bright and friendly and easy to use.

I took a few screenshots and put them together to get the whole front page into pic-the real site doesn't have those red lines though-don't worry-their just the effect of threading the screenshots together...
I hope to share a lot of the information I have to offer on
Poker-Ropes on Blogger also so more people can take advantage...
click the link at the top to check it out!
Thanks for reading!-Steve